We are running virtual teen (13-19) women’s martial arts sessions for new students on Fridays, 6.00pm to 7.00pm (BST).
Sessions will be co-run by Instructor Wendi from our women’s branch, Instructor Jenny from our youth & family’s branch, and our very own teen MAULer, Instructor Essie!
Teens have been finding lockdown particularly tricky, so we’re offering free t-shirts for any young woman who attends four Friday sessions in a row.
To sign up or ask any questions, please do contact us!
What might a session look like?
- Warm-up (jogging on the spot and the like)
- Stretching
- Kicking or arm techniques
- Art: learning sequences of moves that flow together and demonstrate our martial style
- Meditation: In all honesty, we tend to get too caught up in the ART bit and often run late and miss the meditation bit, but we aim for it regardless!