Wishing all our members and supporters a very happy holiday season. The first classes of the new year will be on Friday 10th January 2020.
Tag: schedule
Summer holiday 2019
That's it for the school year! Summer holidays are now in session. Keep an eye on WhatsApp for park training and stay in touch with your belt buddies if you can.
End of year picnic on Sunday 14th July 2019
Join members of both Ori- and MiNi-MAUL classes and their families at our annual end-of-year picnic.
Black belt grading on Saturday 29th June
Come and cheer our four red belts on as they complete their black belt grading on Saturday 29th June...
No classes on Friday 5th or Tuesday 9th July 2019
No MiNi or Ori MAUL classes on Friday 5th or Tuesday 9th July.