A ray of sunshine in an otherwise gloomy year, Fiercely Fragile – MAUL’s adaptive martial arts session for women with chronic joint/physical maladies – has kicked off with a stellar duo of dedicated members. A sport enthusiast and a social butterfly have come together to learn martial arts for the first time at an age when, in their own words, their joints are “a bit past the sell-by date!” Virtual introductions, trying to learn nunchucks from a screen, and backgarden training (even in the rain!) finally led to meeting in Cherry Hinton park. The Fiercely Fragile crew have found a love for the power, challenge, and spirit of martial arts.
Fiercely Fragile was set up due to Instructor Wendi having a few joint surgeries, thanks to some poor genetics, and the concept of ‘low impact exercise’ striking fear into her heart. Martial arts is inherently adaptive, with the real aim of the art to find everyone’s strengths and utilise them to their own advantage. However, as injuries or needs add up, this can become more and more complicated, and often more and more difficult mentally as you get ‘adaptations’ or ‘variations’.
Instead, in Fiercely Fragile, you get nunchucks – in a low impact, joint-friendly environment. With each session built around individualised training on martial concepts, each member finds their own specialty in a low-impact, joint friendly environment. Basically, Fiercely Fragile MAULers are like ninja turtles, where each member has their own fighting style.
And finally, after nearly two months of training nearly every day and nearly destroying their homes with their nunchucks, they received their belts and t-shirts! And immediately made a video of how to tie their belts. True MAULers!
To sign up or ask any questions, please do contact us!